Today I had what folks might call an existential realization (that may be the wrong terminology but that just furthers my forthcoming point). I'll get to it momentarily, but first some background. This is slightly uncomfortable to admit, but it wouldn't be truly existential otherwise, I'm guessing (brother?). So we have lived out here in the "country" for near two years now, and up until perhaps this very day, it has been romantic and novel and brave. It has been cool and "an experience" and urban-chic. I mean, what semi-aware city-dweller wouldn't love to say they gave up/sold everything to experience the country life? How very Thoreau of us (and though we didn't build our own dwelling from scratch, we did refurbish a barn, which, to be totally honest, is way cooler by today's standards). And if we don't quite invoke Thoreau, at least Sunset Magazine.
So in the spirit of authenticity, we are poor. But we are poor by CHOICE, and it goes without saying that that puts us in a completely different category than the real country folks out here who are actually poor. For the past 1.5 years as we've both worked basic labor jobs, my story has gone like this: "Yeah, we moved from Corona Del Mar in Orange County (as if we even owned there, but it's the name that really counts to people) in order to realize our dream of a slower, quieter life with land and animals and simplicity. We're still figuring out what we want to do up here, so for now I'm working here in the tasting room for ten bucks an hour because I want to learn more about wine." That part has been true all along, that I wanted to learn more about wine. But the rest of my story implies that we have some sort of cache of cash that allows me to cuss around "learning" enigmatic stuff for as long as I want, because clearly, if we moved to Po-dunk Templeton from CDM, we must be loaded. Though that is completely untrue, I have been absolutely fine with allowing people to assume that. Yes we are technically "blue collar" for the first time in decades, but it's by choice, you see. It's for the adventure, the experience, the story. It's so that we can really relate to our fellow country-folk. It's not because we have to work at these places. Jack doesn't have to spend seven hours a day loading boxes of wine onto trailers. I don't have to pour wine to drunken neophytes six hours a day to make a living. Ha! How silly that you would even think that.
But then today happened. It was a day just like every other day. My winery was hosting an industry party after hours which I was not only not informed of until the day of, but was also sent to Trader Joe's to shop for said event (sounds exactly like a job one does solely for "learning" purposes). When I was done, the check-out man said hello with a wonderful smile, as they are apt to do there, and began unloading my cart. For some reason, today I chose not to remove my name tag before entering (which I never do) and so I found myself explaining what all the pizzas and savory tarts were for, which got us talking shop. My first shock was that I was actually "talking shop" with my grocery guy. I've never done that before in my whole life. I've never had anything in common with the grocery clerk except the weather maybe, or the first graders outside selling Almond Roca for the school fundraiser. Certainly not my life's work. Yet here I was, laughing about consumers and secret product prices. Hee-heeing about customer service and the "people with money" who assume their cash makes up for their lack of taste. And that was the second shock: our talking shop related to the hospitality business, a business that I've never be a part of. People that I have always left tips for with a bit of, "Oh, poor soul. How does s/he ever make ends meet?" (Bare in mind that I was only a teacher. We're not talking hedge fund money here)
He took my money, I took my goods, and that's when it happened, my existential realization. As I pushed my red cart past the free plastic utensils and extra-strength hand sanitizer on the way to my expensive Audi with the now two-year-old dented fender, it hit me like a punch in the face. Him and me, he and I, we are the same. Regardless of the stories we tell ourselves or others, we are blue collar workers. We do a job that anyone with the ability to show up can do. So what that I go home and eat vegan or read Carl Jung or drink impressive sounding wines. So what that he creates symphonies in his garage or lovingly raises children that are not his. In this one thing, we are the same. We work for just above minimum wage in a society that not only shuns such a thing in adult life, but nearly makes pariahs out of those who have no other choice. We - I - have a job that educators spend hours and hours warning their students against. Teaching them that if they don't get perfect grades and get into the "right" college, they will end up like this - like me. Ha! I can hardly breath with the irony of this. No wonder I never spoke such things to my students. How little I knew about why I didn't...
But what I felt most in my core as I walked away from that clerk was that I was damn proud to be in his company. I AM damn proud. We connected on a level void of the bullshit of money and status and subterfuge and pretenses. We saw one another as simply human, as common neighbors in this big ol' world. I can't remember the last time I felt so proud to be like someone else, so proud to be a part of a group. I am the 99%. Jack and I are the 99%.
And goddamn if it doesn't feel just right.